Who We Are
Vedic Life Association LLC, formed in the State of New Hampshire, is a For-Profit Vedic Hindu Church; providing a Religious community around a distinct and autonomous contemporary Vedic Hindu Lineage, supportive services, education, and other Vedic Hindu oriented services for Vedic Hindu people who are members.
"Great is the Gods' supreme and sole dominion" RV 3.55.1.c (Translation by Ralph T.H. Griffith)
Here is a summary and paraphrase of some of Vedic Life Association LLC's deeply held sincere religious beliefs:
Vedic Life Association LLC holds the Rg Veda Samhita Family Books as supreme scriptural authority.
Vedic Hinduism is the Ethnic Religion of the Natural, Adopted, or otherwise chosen Sons and Daughters of Manu.
Mother Nature in her wild condition untouched, unaltered, or unmodified by civilization is the Supreme Living Guru Maa.
The Family Home is the most holy and sacred Temple and Ritual Ground, from which all community Temples and Ritual Grounds receive their power.
One's Natural Body, Natural Breath, and Natural Mind is their personal individual Sacred Fire; and each Vedic Religious and Ethnic person as a Fire priest/ priestess unto themselves has a Divine Command and Holy and Sacred Duty to retain sole autonomy over that Sacred Fire and to preserve, protect, tend, maintain, feed, and renew. Parents have the obligation to uphold the integrity of their children's Sacred Fire as if it were their own.
Vedic Cosmology is non-singular, poly-centric, poly-archal, and polytheistic; and recognizes each person as an eternally individual distinct separate and unique birthless immortal spirit among numberless other spirits who are equal.
The sense of individual self is integrally linked to one's personal information, physical being, individual environment, and communication and therefore each Vedic Religious and Ethnic person maintains the highest standard of privacy for themselves in all regards.
Vedic People are bound to adhere to ahimsa (non-injury) in a positive sum manner towards themselves and all others, and to conscientious object to participation in all wars; as well as adhere to benevolence, discernment, respect, reciprocity, and rta.
Adult Vedic People are Religiously Commanded and Ethnically required to procreate and reproduce offspring and pursue that which enables maximum reproduction, as well as avoid that which inhibits or obstructs reproduction. Procreation shall occur within the safety and restraint of Vedic Religious Sacrament.
Vedic People recognize and support ethical and sacramentalized multi partner fertility relationships between consenting adults (e.g. PolyFidelity).
Vedic People hold religious privilege with their parents, their sacramental partners, and their clergy.
Vedic Life Association LLC recognizes several means by which Vedic People may make confession receive penance and make spiritual reconciliation, all of which are considered privileged and confidential.
Sanskrit is the Holy and Sacred Language of the Vedic People and should be spoken, and otherwise used, whenever practicable.
The Vedic People of the Vedic Life Association LLC are their own ecclesiastical lineage, however, they recognize all Hindus as spiritual brothers and sisters.
The Culture of the Vedic People is based on a positive sum mystical-intuitive understanding of the Vedic Ethnic Religious culture contained in the Rg Veda Samhita Family Books, and informed by the long held traditions of contemporary Sanatana Dharma.
Ayurveda is the Religious and Ethnic medicine of the Vedic People. Vedic Life Association LLC holds that a Vedic Person shall at no time be obliged to conform to, be subjected to, nor comply with any medicine that is not Ayurvedic.
Understanding that Vedic Religious and Ethnic People may be targets of unfair treatment, all Vedic People shall learn how to legally and lawfully defend themselves against all manner of unjustified intrusion and harm. Vedic People do not hold ill will toward anyone, and send blessings to all.
Vedic People recognize several Holy Days throughout the year based on the seasons and astronomy.
Vedic People perform daily sadhana, individual religious practice, for the benefit and blessings of themselves and others.
Vedic People peacefully resist ethnic, religious, and cultural colonization of all kinds, including but not limited to attempts of colonization from Western Science, Public Health, other Religions, and Environmental movements.